Agency Consultancy


We can connect you with the right agency partners to enhance content management


“With so many service providers in the market it can be difficult to know who to work with. DDG can connect you with the perfect supplier for your needs.”

Having local support for events is a useful way to ensure everything runs smoothly on site. Local knowledge from professional events staff who know an area well can be incredibly valuable. Our boutique partners often have existing relationships with key venues in their local area and can help to negotiate favourable rates on your behalf. DDG has a lot of experience selecting agencies and setting up good working partnerships with local in-country agencies that can be on hand to deliver your events. DDG helps you to think globally and act locally, delivering cross-border events with ease. When you are holding events in multiple countries DDG will manage all the agencies required including the set up of any new relationships so you just have a single point of contact.

Other Content Services



on October 8 • by


To find out more about how DDG could help you, please complete the contact form below.